2008年3月18日 星期二

Rigden Rinpche 利登仁波切

尊貴的利登仁波切於1967年誕生在西藏東部的德給仁達地區,最尊貴的頂果法王以及尊貴的宗薩哲仁波切印証他為 [ 利登都脱巴桑仁波切 ] 的轉世,早期曾接授薩迦傳丞的教法,後於帝福竹巴噶舉寺廟舉行座床典禮。目前仁波切駐錫於東藏帝福寺。

Ven. Rigden Rinpoche was born in 1967 at Derge Rinda, Tibet. He was recognized byH.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche as the reincarnationof Rigden Thutop Palzang Rinpoche. He received his training at a monastery of the Sakya tradition, and later was enthroned at Dhi-phu Drukpa Kargyud Monastery. He is presently in charge of the Dhi-phu Monastery, a branch monastery of the Drukpa Kargyud Order, in Eastern Tibet.

2 則留言:

Futuristics 提到...

NICE Blog :)

Ivy 提到...

多謝支持....Thank you for visiting.