尊貴的謝仁波切於一九六三年生於錫金的達雪閉關中心,他的父親阿波仁波切是偉大的密乘禪定上師,也是釋迦師利,尊者是十九世紀大手印與大圓滿法的成就者, 亦為第一世蔣揚欽哲汪波仁波切的弟子)的內孫。突謝仁波切及寺中住持諾揚堪布在得 知他的誕生,即前往錫金給他在家五戒及命名為雅旺給列南傑,並給他「覺」----施身法灌頂。
椎彭貝瑪秋嘉(Tripon Pema Chogyal,釋迦師利傳承的第二代持有者,[ 椎彭] 為寶座持有者之意)的追隨者請求前世的敦珠法王占卜以確定他們的上師轉世所在,敦珠法王寫信告訴他們阿波仁波切的小兒子是真正的化身並且能為佛法作一番事 業,如果他們能作三根本法的修法;敦珠法王的占卜因以下的事蹟得以確認:當這個小孩(謝仁波切)看到屬於他的前世、由他前世的侍從所保管 的唐卡,須彌及四大部洲時,即向他說這是他的,命令他交回。
一九七四年阿波仁波切將謝仁波切託付給突謝仁波切及堪布諾揚,在那兒接受了四 年精神上的訓練。後來謝仁波切到不丹與洛奔蘇南桑波 (釋迦師利尊者的主要弟子之一,竹巴噶舉的成就者,也是宗薩欽哲仁波切的外祖父) 釋迦師利的弟子學習二年,也給了他許多釋迦師利的耳傳,當謝仁波切結束在不丹的訓練學習時,洛奔蘇南桑波告訴他:你是我教法的持有者。
Sey Rinpoche was born in 1963 in the retreat centre of Taktsey in Sikkim, India. His father, Apho Rinpoche was a great tantric master and grandson of Shkya Shree. On hearing about the birth of Sey Rinpoche, Thuksey Rinpoche and the Abbot of his monastery, Noryang, journeyed to Sikkim and bestowed the vow of Geynyen, naming him Ngawang Gelek Namgyal. To ward off obstacles to his life, they bestowed him the Chod initiation.
Dudjom Rinpoche also divination was confirmed him previous incarnations painting of mount meru. He successfully completed the test of Tumo Cheat generations. He have holder of whispered transmission of Tokden Shakya Shree, and went to Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche to receive the teaching and empowerment on the collection of Nyigma tests, known as the Treasure of Jewels, and other Nyingma Tantra.
He has teaching from Tokden Shakya Shree in the Drukpa Tradition of the Kadgyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. He devoted the rest of his life to retreat and teaching. Tokden Shakya Shree appointed him the holder of his transmissions, naming him Tripon (Throne) Holder Pema Choegyal.